Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Quick Note

    I recently discovered that the ANSI standard for C does not use the // marks for comment lines, so I will be removing them from sample code.  They will be replaced with /*, which is the start of a comment, and */, which indicates the end of a comment.  I will also test my example code for ANSI compliance by using the command "gcc -ansi filename.c -o programname" in the prompt (where filename and programname indicate the name of a file and program).

    Another part of the ANSI standard is declaring variables at the start of a function.  Luckily, the existing examples follow this routine, so I will only be changing the comments.

    Also, I encountered a site called, which converts code text into syntax-highlighted text.  I will most likely highlight all my examples this way to minimize any errors in highlighting.

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